April 2024
System Integration - Create
Described the current records and systems at play within the iSchool Students of the Global Majority student organization collection of files and emails stored in the Google account, covering aspects such as:
- Account Access
- Connected third-party apps and services
- File and email
- Classification Systems
- Record volume and data format
- Access permissions
Outlined, built and illustrated a proposed collection of component systems for iSGM, including elements such as:
- Interactivity and Accesss permissions
- Dashboards Interfaces
- Record cataloguing
- Entry-points for community contributors
- Expertise and Labour Behind Records
- Classification systems
- Controlled Vocabularies
- Content Schema
- System Interactions and Overlap
- Contributor recognition
- Future phases of the systems
- Phase 2: Succession Planning, Onboarding and Documentation
Phase 3: Maintaining, Caring, and Sharing
LIBR509: System Integration - Create - ISGM by Joseph Watson-MacKay (Check out the live view to access image expansion within the sample)
Learning Significance
What questions still persist after this activity, event, project, experience?
I'm still wondering how to present my submission to other iSGM members and community contributors.
The quickest option is to just share it in the iSGM Discord, but I want to hear impressions from a few folks first before broadly sharing it to everyone.
Once I hear back from a few people, clarify what leaves them confused, and revise what I have to share, I could then post the link to my submission in our next meeting agenda, introduce the system during the meeting, and then follow-up by posting it to the iSGM Discord to invite folks to sign-up and join.
What did you do in this activity that made you uncertain?
The nested tasks of building the systems, relating pages to one another, and then documenting various elements involved with the records and interfaces of Notion, seemed to never end. I thought I was so close to finishing at countless points of building it, as well as while writing my submission. This is another instance where instructor, TA and peer feedback could have helpfully offered perspective and questions I'd grown too familiar to arrive at on my own.
Connection to what I want to do in the future
I can't wait to see how the systems land with the folks in iSGM. Having talked about the concept, inspiration and vision on many occasions, I'm glad to be ready to actually show what I've been trying to articulate and figure out how to integrate. There are several members who are already enthusiastically using Notion as a personal knowledge management system and have said they'd like to build the iSGM Notion Workspace together. Others have expressed interest in trying out Notion sometime soon. Even more have commented on how they'd like to engage with iSGM more than they've been able to this past term, and I'm especially curious if the set-up will clarify how they can more flexibly contribute and get involved through our Notion Workspace. The package of systems could address a lot of pain points I've observed iSchool students express, and might appeal to even more student organizations facing similar challenges around succession planning and knowledge transfer.